檔案大小:24 MB
版本需求:OS X 10.9.0 或以上版本,64 位元處理器
Zenestetic is a synthesizer for creating an ambient-music, featured with a convenient panel instead of the usual keyboard. The sound position on the panel sets the volume and tone of the sounding. The synthesizer performs a software generation of the sound based on mixing the oscillator pure tone and the filtered white noise.
You can choose the synthesis settings:
- harmonic series;
- oscillator mode;
- tone;
- volume;
- stereo balance;
- oscillator mix/noise;
- low-pass filter cutoff frequency.
Some of the parameters (tone, volume, mixing balance, etc.) can be automated using the pattern edit panel.
You can also apply such sound effects as:
- equalisation;
- echo;
- reverberation;
- stereo widening.
Finished sound can be exported to file.